Head of Bappenas Conducts a Working Visit to PTDI
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    Head of Bappenas Conducts a Working Visit to PTDI

    Senin, 01 Maret 2021, Maret 01, 2021 WIB Last Updated 2021-03-01T16:25:06Z
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    Jakarta, Kabartujuhsatu.news, -The Minister of National Development Planning on Monday, March 1, 2021 conduct a working visit to PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

    PT Dirgantara Indonesia is the only aircraft manufacturer that is still in active production in Indonesia. This position makes PTDI have a central role as an advocate for the aerospace industry ecosystem in Indonesia, both now and in the future.

    The achievement of the Vision and Mission of the Indonesian Aerospace Ecosystem in 2045 will be largely determined by the success of PTDI, in: (1) Encouraging aircraft development through: commercialization of the N-219 aircraft which just passed the Type Certificate (TC) certification test in December 2020, development of derivative products, namely N -219 class Amphibious, and N-245 aircraft; (2) Encouraging the development of the domestic aircraft component industry through the orchestration of the distribution of Work Packages to tier suppliers on contracts obtained by PTDI. In addition, PTDI is also expected to strengthen its specialization in the field of Aerostracture components as a strategy to enter into the global GVC aircraft OEM industry; and (3) Encouraging the development of domestic MRO by distributing job orders to other business units in the domestic MRO service provider industry.

    "PTDI has strong capital (technological and historical) as an Indonesian company that is able to enter the international OEM Global Value Chain as one of the global aircraft component manufacturers," said the Minister.

    The minister explained, that as a state-owned company that has a mandate as an agent of development, PTDI needs to encourage forms of strategic cooperation with global OEMs to develop national design and engineering capabilities.

    "One of them is through the formulation of a cooperation concept between the government-PTDI-OEM in the procurement of defense equipment from OEM Global which empowers PTDI and other national aerospace industry players for example the prospect of procuring Airbus A330 MRTT, A400," said the Minister.

    The Minister continued, several PTDI's strategic agendas in the future, is the commercialization of N-219, the development of the N-219 Amphibious aircraft, N-245 and cooperation in the production of the R-80 type aircraft to get priority in the implementation of PTDI's internal policies, including through the formation of a special team sufficient power to be able to carry out these priority agendas.

    Closing his presentation, the Minister said that PTDI is one of the national mainstays to show the world that Indonesia has mastered aerospace technology.

    "That PTDI is one of our national mainstays to show the world that we have mastered aerospace technology. So the mastery of aerospace technology is a symbol of a country being advanced in technology mastery. What I hope is that all parties in the country support to maintain the sustainability of PTDI, and I have heard a report earlier that in fact, in terms of manufacture, many things of excellence have been achieved, "concluded the Minister.

    Monday, March 1, 2021
    Public Communications Team
    Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas

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