Head of Bappenas Visited Candidates for Food Estate Locations in Central Sumba
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    Head of Bappenas Visited Candidates for Food Estate Locations in Central Sumba

    Sabtu, 05 Juni 2021, Juni 05, 2021 WIB Last Updated 2021-06-05T15:26:19Z
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    Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas (Ist)

    Kabartujuhsatu.news,-Minister of National Development Planning conducted a working visit to a prospective location for Food Estate in Makatekeri Village, Katikutana Sub-district, Central Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Friday (4/06/2021).

    The Minister was accompanied by Deputy for Infrastructure, Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources and the Minister's Special Staff.

    NTT Being a KSPP or Food Estate development province, referring to the results of the September 23, 2020 Ratas, there are 5 locations for Food Estate development, namely Central Kalimantan, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, NTT, and Papua.

    The development of the Central Sumba KSPP focuses on rice and corn commodities starting in 2020 with an area of 5,000 ha, which includes 3,000 ha of rice and 2,000 ha of corn.

    Meanwhile, the 2021 development target is 10,000 hectares, Paddy 5,620 ha, Corn 4,380 ha, spread over 5 sub-districts, namely Katiku Tana, South Katikutana, Umbu Ratu Nggay, West Umbu Ratu Nggay, and Mamboro.

    The target of this activity is to increase productivity and cropping index in rainfed/dry land areas with drilled wells, reservoirs and springs. The target for rice productivity is from 2.5 tons per ha to 4-5 tons per ha, while corn productivity is targeted from 4-5 tons per ha to 5-6 tons per ha.

    Assistance in the form of inbred rice seeds, hybrid corn seeds, fertilizers, production facilities, boreholes/irrigation networks/pumps, corn shellers, combine harvesters, drones to spray pests/spread fertilizers, cultivators, 4-wheel tractors, 2-wheel tractors.

    The offtaker candidate for rice is BULOG, while PT Santoras Utama Lestari for corn is a subsidiary of Japfa Comfeed.

    Management of the Central Sumba Food Estate Area is proposed through the Public Service Agency which was built from the Joint Farmer Group at the Food Estate/Gapoktan  location, based on the Inauguration of the Regent's Decree No. 56/2021, March 29, 2021.

    Friday, June, 4th 2021
    Public Communications Team
    Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas

